Challenged duck egg yolk in two different temperatures: 3ml baked and 3ml fried in a pan... and passed! So, duck egg yolk is moved into the morning maintenance at 6ml. Maintenance now includes: Macadamia (1), sesame (1/4tsp), almond (1/2tsp ground), barley (1/4tsp capped), and duck egg yolk (6ml capped). Was introduced to wheat germ, exercised and was ok!
Wheat germ treatment in the following quantities for the next few weeks:
Week 1: 100mg
Week 2: 200mg
Week 3: 1/8 tsp
Week 4: 1/4 tsp
Week 5: 1/2 tsp
Week 6: 3/4 tsp
The next caveat; wheat germ must be baked!